Through the Akashic Records, you discover your Divine Soul Blueprint, information about your Soul Profile and those blocks and restrictions from past lives and your present life that have arisen to be cleared. Understanding yourself at a Soul level empowers you to embrace your Divine Gift and to create your human experience with greater awareness.
Specifically, you'll discover:
♦︎ your Divine gift
♦︎ your Soul's origination
♦︎ the dysfunctional aspects of your gift and soul group
♦︎ your Soul's vibration and related information
♦︎ your connection with your Higher Self
♦︎ your Soul-level capacity to change and third-dimensional
opportunity for change
♦︎ your Soul specialisations
♦︎ your primary life lesson
Most importantly, we will clear blocks and restrictions from past lives and your present life that prevent you from aligning with your Divine Soul Blueprint. There is a lot of opportuntiy for transformation in these sessions and they take some time to integrate. Your vital force energy will increase and you may gain clarity about your future path.
Session cost: $350
Allow 60 to 90 minutes for the Zoom call where I will present the results of your Soul Realignment.
Parents are encouraged to book a Child Soul Reading. These readings help us enormously in understanding and parenting our children. Session cost: $100
To book a session, please email sally@innerpeacepractice.com.au and provide:
1. your full name at birth;
2. your full current name;
3. your date of birth;
4. your place of birth; and
5. the days you are available for the Zoom call.
I'll send you my Australian bank details or, if you prefer, a PayPal invoice (inc. additional PayPal fee). Once I access your Akashic Records no refunds are given. After payment is received, I will send you a Zoom link.
Appointments times are Monday to Saturday.
The session is recorded and emailed to you together with some clearing homework that will anchor the clearing already done.
The purpose of an Life Situation Reading is to resolve specific issues in your life. This is done by identifying the energetic causes of those specific issues and clearing those blocks and restrictions. You also need to know what you would like to create instead.
Those specific issues may concern your:
♦︎ Health and Well-Being
♦︎ Work or Career
♦︎ Finances
♦︎ Personal or Spiritual Development
♦︎ Physical surroundings
Session cost: $200
Allow 30 to 60 minutes for the Zoom call where I will present the results of your Reading.
This Akashic Records session is for:
♦︎ a parent and child
♦︎ spouses
♦︎ current romantic partners
♦︎ business partners
♦︎ close friends
Insight is obtained as to how the relationship helps to align you to your Divine self-expression. Your past lifetimes together are revealed and this alone can provide great insight. Energetic blocks and restrictions that are negatively impacting the relationship are identified and cleared.
Session cost: $200
Allow 60 minutes for the Zoom call where I will present the results of your Relationship Session.
This Akashic Records Reading reveals how you are designed to successfully manifest. We all have a unique Manifesting Blueprint. If we aren't in alignment with that blueprint, then it will be difficult to manifest the changes in our life that we desire.
This Reading reveals:
♦︎ how you are uniquely designed to manifest
♦︎ how you are actually manifesting
♦︎ what you need to change to align with your unique manifesting
♦︎ what action you can take to manifest your goals
It is preferable to have had a Soul Realignment before having this Reading.
Session cost: $200
Allow 60 minutes for the Zoom call where I will present the results of your Manifesting Reading.
Properties can easily cleared of unwanted energies via the Akashic Records. To request the clearing you must either own or lease the property.
If your property feels uncomfortable or your children or pets feel uncomfortable, please ask me to check. It costs nothing to check.
Session cost: $100 The results of the clearing can be given by email or phone.
Email: sally@innerpeacepractice.com.au
Location: Bentleigh, Victoria